Alejandro González Alegre
Tax residence: Avenida Escandinavia 33, nº39
03130 Santa Pola
Tourism License: CV-Mm-2144-A
Telephon: +34 660 64 34 33
At booking time, MITOUR COSTABLANCA will understand that the terms & booking conditions and the details of each program are signed by both parties, Customer and Agency.
• Our services always include the pick-up bus in your town or stop near it, the bus insurance, the salary of the driver or drivers of each trip, the historian and archaeologist guide that accompanies the group at all times (sometimes there will also be an additional specialized support monitor), the hotel (on trips that are overnight, on a breakfast basis and in a double room for two people), and the bus back to its population.
• All other additional services will depend on the destination and date and will be indicated and specified in the advertising of each trip.
• The additional medical insurance when you get off the bus at each destination is not included in the price, but you can hire it optionally, with an additional cost of 1.34 €, the price may vary in some cases, as well as the theft insurance in destination of luggage outside the bus that will have an additional cost of 16.05 € may vary the price in some cases. (Check rates and coverages).
• The Cancellation Insurance that is priced separately based on the number of days of the trip. Especially recommended for travelers with direct relatives in a delicate state of health, or awaiting hospital intervention. (Consult us for rates and coverage).
• In the case of rejecting the opportunity to contract the optional medical insurance, the Agency is not responsible for the medical expenses or any other corresponding expense in the coverage of the medical insurance or any other additional insurance, even so, they have been caused during the the excursion or activity or later. If you wish to take out health insurance or any additional insurance you should contact the agency.
• Services that are not specified in the program.
• It also does not include expenses incurred by third parties to MITOUR COSTABLANCA, such as airline cancellations or delays, strikes, blocked roads, bus faults, weather conditions and natural catastrophes.
You must inform us
Obligatoryly, you must inform us of the physical conditions of the participant, if there is any anomaly or disability. You must also inform us of any abnormal physical condition before departure. In case of not doing so, the agency is not responsible for not being able to meet their needs, even if it entails the non-performance of the contracted activity.
• The previous registration will be mandatory for all participants, if there is no written record of a client's reservation by the agency it is understood that this has not been done correctly.
• The reservation will only be confirmed once the payment has been formalized, either through the website and paypal, or bank transfer. If a client requests a direct bank transfer without having made the reservation through the website that provides the registration documentation, he / she will be renouncing to have it and will also be accepting these general terms and conditions of reservation.
• The owner of the reservation will be responsible for the purchase and possible refunds, with the rest of the reserve members who will have to clarify the amounts of each one with the person in charge of the reservation and in no case the Agency.
• Claims can only be made by the owner of the reservation.
All reservations will be confirmed by email, it will be very important as proof, you must have the receipt at the time of departure.
The equipment will be expressed in the program, however, it would be advisable to consult the agency before departure if it was unknown or not understood in the explanation of the program. The customer will be responsible for the misinterpretation. (If it does not appear in the program, contact us.)
You can request through WhatsApp, email or by telephone the specific departure point, as well as the schedule. In the case of not consulting previously, or in the case that it was not clear to the client, and did not let us know, the agency will not be held responsible.
For any questions you must call or send an email for clarification before making your reservation.
Day trips:
• In the activities of 1 day, 100% of the amount of the reservation will be paid at the time of registration.
• In case of cancellations by the participant, the company will proceed to keep this amount so that the customer can use it to replace another trip of our company, paying the price difference between both by the client by bank transfer, however, this can only happen if the client notifies the company of his inability to attend more than 48 hours in advance.
• In the event that it is notified less than 48 hours in advance, the fine will be 100% of the amount previously paid.
• Cancellations by the organizers: In case of not completing the minimum required group and the agency suspends the trip or activity, the clients will obtain the total refund of the amount previously paid.
• The Agency also keeps the right to cancel a reservation from a client (Endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and the Lawyers Office of the company), returning the full amount of the trip, in the following cases:
- There are not enough places for the trip contracted for reasons of bus size, etc., even if they are not updated on the website.
- The physical or health aptitudes of the client may be lower than those required by a trip or route, thus avoiding problems for the rest of the group (in case the client insists on wanting to carry out said trip or activity, he must prepare a "Exemption" document of Responsibilities "to the organizing Agency, and submit it in writing in a timely manner, in duplicate, so that a copy is sealed for each party, before the seats for the trip are exhausted.
Travel with hotel:
• In trips with hotel, 100% of the amount of the reservation will be paid at the time of registration.
• In case of cancellations by the participant, the company will proceed to keep the amount of the reservation so that the client can use it in substitution of another trip of our company, paying the difference of price between both by the client by bank transfer, discounting from said reserved amount the hotel costs paid by the agency. However, this can only happen if the client notifies the company of their inability to attend more than 48 hours in advance.
• In the event that less than 48 hours notice is given in advance for Full Day Trips, and 7 days for Hotel Trips, the fine will be 100% of the amount previously paid, due to the expenses incurred and that in The case of not existing Cancellation Insurance contracted would fall on the Agency, which is not at fault for it.
• If you want Cancellation Insurance to recover the full amount of your reservation, you must additionally contract it at an approximate cost of € 7 per day, per traveler, and it will be processed directly with the Insurance Company, who should be contacted if necessary delivery of the official documentation that justifies the reasons of major cause that have made it impossible to attend the trip, and it will be the insurance who decides whether the documentation and reasons are accepted or not. This Cancellation Insurance must be contracted, latest, 7 days before departure.
• Cancellations by the organizers: In case of not completing the minimum required group and the agency suspends the trip or activity, the clients will obtain the total refund of the amount previously paid.
• The Agency also keeps the right to cancel a reservation from a client (Endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and the Lawyers Office of the company), returning the full amount of the trip, in the following cases:
- There are not enough places for the trip contracted for reasons of bus size, etc., even if they are not updated on the website.
- The physical or health aptitudes of the client may be lower than those required by a trip or route, thus avoiding problems for the rest of the group (in case the client insists on wanting to carry out said trip or activity, he must prepare a "Exemption" document of Responsibilities "to the organizing Agency, and submit it in writing in a timely manner, in duplicate, so that a copy is sealed for each party, before the seats for the trip are exhausted.
• In the case of trips or excursions in which the Agency must cancel the departure on a certain date, the client will recover the amount of money with the same payment method in which he made the purchase.
• If your reservation was made by bank transfer, you must indicate to the Agency the same bank account number from which you made the transaction.
• The return of the contracted amount will not be considered viable if the client does not show up at the stop, arrives late and loses the bus, or if they request a refund after the limits established by the Agency (see PAYMENT AND CANCELLATION POLICY).
• At the time of accepting these terms and conditions of reservation, it makes available to the Agency its registration data, protected by the Data Protection Law.
• The Agency will never make available to other companies or uses such registration data, which do not have to do with each contracted trip.
• Your phone number will only be used to communicate with you and create a travel whatsapp group to inform all travelers of all travel details at the same time, as well as to share photos of the trip. This group will be eliminated before 48h after the trip.
• If a client does not want to be part of this group, he / she must let the Agency know, and he / she is responsible for the possible lack of information when he / she stops being in contact with the information provided by the Agency to the clients, the client must be the one to call or write to the Agency to know the details of the trip.
• The use of belts is mandatory for all passengers, if the transport has this means.
Stay seated
• Obligatory and for your safety, the passenger must remain seated during the whole journey and under no circumstances can he speak with the driver.
• In case of emergency or extreme need, the voice will pass forward making your alert to the guide or monitor.
• At all times you must comply with the rules that the transport company requires.
Hand luggage
• The hand luggage should remain in the trunk and the maximum dimensions will be detailed according to the contracted offer, contact us.
Personal equipment
• If you are not clear about the equipment required for the specific activity, you should contact the Agency for more information.
• Given that the Agency has your reservation information, the day of the trip is only necessary to carry the DNI above.
• If the DNI is not carried, the client is responsible for all the problems derived from it, as well as the impossibility of access to hotels or certain places or monuments.
• The client must always have written documentation from the Agency where it is confirmed that the transfer of the amount of the trip and its reservation have been made correctly.
• The customer will be required to show up at the place of departure 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
• Collection schedules are rigorous but approximate due to the existence of various factors that may cause the delay in them.
• Transportation will only stop for the time necessary for boarding the participants who are in the place.
• The Agency will make available the trip itinerary, either before the trip or at the beginning of the trip, by phone, by whatsapp and / or explained at the beginning of the trip.
• The Agency or the persons responsible for the group may alter the order of the items to be visited due to organizational issues or last minute changes, whether or not they belong to the Agency.
• The Agency or the persons in charge of the group will inform about the prices of the elements that can be visited optionally or whose price is not included in the contracted reserve, if they have knowledge of them, both for their individual visit and with group discounts.
• In case of loss of the group, you will be responsible for going to the point and time of the meeting indicated by the guide or group leader.
• The Agency is not responsible for the loss of documentation or other inconveniences that prevent contact with the guide or monitor in case of loss of the group.
• The Agency will not be responsible for the misinterpretation of indications by customers.
• As in the case of boarding, arrival times are approximate due to various factors.
• The Agency or group leaders may opt at the last moment for the variation of schedules or stop order due to organizational issues, management of driver driving hours, or group management due to last-minute changes outside the Agency. , always to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction and avoid delays.
IF YOU STILL HAVE ANY DOUBT, write us at or contact us by Facebook, or by phone at +34 660 64 34 33 or by Whatsapp at the same number.